Investor profile

We want to grow

Relevant countries for us:

We are loo­king for buil­dings and pro­per­ties in Ger­ma­ny, Aus­tria, the Net­her­lands and the Czech Repu­blic to rea­li­ze our tar­get-group-ori­en­ted accom­mo­da­ti­on and ope­ra­ti­on con­cepts.

investor 1

Purchase options

Pro­per­ties (lea­se­hold also pos­si­ble), turn­key pro­ject deve­lo­p­ments, exis­ting buil­dings (not leased/with con­ver­si­on poten­ti­al), for­ward-purcha­se and for­ward-fun­ding Buil­ding law for resi­den­ti­al pro­jects: Per­mis­si­bi­li­ty of con­s­truc­tion pro­jects accor­ding to the sti­pu­la­ti­ons of zoning and deve­lo­p­ment plans

Floor space requirements

Gross flo­or area 5,000 m² — 15,000 m² THE FIZZ: 200–400 units (from 33 m² GFA / unit), HAVENS: 150–250 units (from 40 m² GFA / unit) Com­mon are­as from 300 m², com­mer­cial units pos­si­ble on the ground flo­or


Pro­xi­mi­ty to uni­ver­si­ty faci­li­ties and/or city cen­ter Good trans­port links/close to public trans­port Infra­struc­tu­re for dai­ly needs, restau­rants, sports faci­li­ties, cul­tu­ral offe­rings, etc. in the vici­ni­ty For HAVENS loca­ti­ons good con­nec­tion to rele­vant office loca­ti­ons


Gerold Springer

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