Developer profile

Sustainable development for long-term operations

As deve­lo­pers of cus­to­mi­zed real estate, we always look to the future: The respon­si­ble manage­ment of our assets and the long-term satis­fac­tion of our ten­ants is cen­tral to our work. A high level of inte­gra­ti­on into the local envi­ron­ment and gene­ral city deve­lo­p­ment that streng­thens indi­vi­du­al con­nec­tions to our urban loca­ti­ons is a top prio­ri­ty for us. This idea is at the heart of our con­cept.

entwickler box
60.000 m2
m2 in planning/execution
600 Mio.
invest­ment volu­me
apart­ments in deve­lo­p­ment
pro­jects in deve­lo­p­ment

Execution process

The sen­se of com­mu­ni­ty that we pro­mi­se is also an inte­gral part of the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess, during which we work clo­se­ly with gene­ral con­trac­tors and local archi­tects start­ing from ser­vice pha­se zero. In addi­ti­on, we plan and imple­ment pro­jects with a buil­ding per­mit fle­xi­ble enough to meet our requi­re­ments. A team of expe­ri­en­ced pro­fes­sio­nals ensu­res com­pli­ance with cos­ts, dead­lines and qua­li­ty.


We under­stand urban living spaces – and crea­te accom­mo­da­ti­ons that live up to this cla­im. The high-qua­li­ty fur­nis­hed apart­ments are bet­ween 18 und 60 m² in size and always include their own bath and kit­chen. Func­tion­al sto­rage space und high-end fur­ni­tu­re round off the packa­ge. The thoughtful­ly desi­gned shared com­mu­nal are­as at our loca­ti­ons fea­ture fur­ther amen­i­ties that make life more liva­ble: loun­ges, kit­chens, gyms, work or stu­dy rooms, gar­dens and roof ter­races offer space for mee­ting, rela­xing, and much more.


We belie­ve that loo­king ahead should be exci­ting. That’s why, as pro­per­ty owner and mana­ger, we are very inte­res­ted in sus­tainable real estate deve­lo­p­ment. To turn “sus­taina­bi­li­ty” from a buz­zword into con­cre­te mea­su­res, we always stri­ve to achie­ve at least LEED Gold sta­tus for our pro­jects. In addi­ti­on, we rely on land con­ver­si­on to redu­ce CO2 emis­si­ons whe­re­ver pos­si­ble. A smal­ler foot­print — for ever big­ger steps into the future.

Contact person


Benjamin Albrecht

We develop in a big dimension

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