
Achieving more together

We enjoy working tog­e­ther in good part­ner­ship with com­pa­nies, uni­ver­si­ties, pro­duct pro­vi­ders or brands. By impro­ving our offer this way, we crea­te a WIN-WIN situa­ti­on for ever­yo­ne — espe­ci­al­ly for our ten­ants.

Allotments & relocation

You would like to pro­vi­de medi­um and long-term housing for your trai­nees, for expats, con­sul­tants or new employees? Cont­act us for cus­to­mi­zed allot­ment offers.

Cooperation with universities

Whe­ther for the accom­mo­da­ti­on of your stu­dents, as a plat­form for recrui­ting events or as a prac­ti­cal pro­ject: Bene­fit from the struc­tu­ral and spa­ti­al oppor­tu­ni­ties in our buil­dings. Let’s talk about your ide­as.

Events & sponsoring

Increase the awa­re­ness of your brand through hyper­lo­cal pro­duct pla­ce­ment. The undi­vi­ded atten­ti­on of our resi­dents crea­tes opti­mal con­di­ti­ons for mar­ke­ting via word of mouth recom­men­da­ti­on.

Advertisements & publicity

Bene­fit from the reach of our brands by pla­cing ads on our online plat­forms. Or stand out in pro­mi­nent places in our open buil­ding con­cepts, such as with ele­va­tor noti­ces.

Blog articles & links

Com­mu­ni­ca­te your con­tent through appro­pria­te chan­nels or enrich your own online pre­sence with high-qua­li­ty con­tent and rele­vant links. From simp­le back­links to co-aut­hor­ship of blog artic­les, any­thing is pos­si­ble.

Research & insights

Want to find out more about the tar­get group of stu­dents and young pro­fes­sio­nals? Stu­dies with or about our cli­ents pro­vi­de valuable insights into your sought-after or exis­ting mar­kets.

Sales & partnerships

Our team in Ber­lin and Vien­na is the­re for you and looks for­ward to hea­ring from you.

Christina Gentsch

Diana-Elena Streletskiy

This is what our partners say

Spaces with possibilities

Our hou­ses are more than resi­den­ti­al real estate. Very often, they are living spaces for peo­p­le in the most exci­ting pha­ses of their lives that offer pos­si­bi­li­ties for com­mu­ni­ty and coope­ra­ti­on.

Our partners

German Design Award 2024 Winner

We are deligh­ted to announ­ce that HAVENS LIVING has won the Ger­man Design Award in the cate­go­ry of “Excel­lent Archi­tec­tu­re – Inte­ri­or Archi­tec­tu­re.” This award reco­gni­zes our out­stan­ding achie­ve­ment and com­mit­ment to inno­va­ti­ve design in inte­ri­or archi­tec­tu­re. We take pri­de in being part of this pres­ti­gious com­pe­ti­ti­on and extend our gra­ti­tu­de to the Ger­man Design Award for this honor.

Best Booking Experience 2023

We are thril­led to announ­ce that THE FIZZ is the win­ner of this year’s Glo­bal Stu­dent Living Awards (GSL) in the cate­go­ry “Best Boo­king Expe­ri­ence 2023). This reco­gni­ti­on reflects our com­mit­ment to excep­tio­nal ser­vice and a seam­less boo­king pro­cess. The award is based on feed­back from stu­dents world­wi­de, making it even more spe­cial.

Best of Realty

We are thril­led to share that THE FIZZ Pra­gue has won the “Best of Real­ty Award 2020.” This award cele­bra­tes our excel­lence in real estate, reco­gni­zing our com­mit­ment to excep­tio­nal pro­per­ties in the Czech Repu­blic. Thanks to the expert panel for this honour, and to our team and resi­dents for their sup­port.

Coliving Award 2021

We are thril­led to announ­ce that THE FIZZ Utrecht has recei­ved the 2021 Coli­ving Award for Buil­ding & Archi­tec­tu­re. This reco­gni­ti­on cele­bra­tes our com­mit­ment to inno­va­ti­ve design in the coli­ving sec­tor. We are dedi­ca­ted to pushing boun­da­ries and enhan­cing the coli­ving expe­ri­ence. Thanks to Coli­ving Awards for this honour, and to our team and resi­dents for making it pos­si­ble.