10 years International Campus


Student Housing and Micro Living pioneer International Campus celebrates 10-year anniversary with plans for further expansion

- Consistent further development of Student Housing into an integrated micro living platform

- Product expansion to include micro apartments for professionals

- Investment focus in future on Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and other northern European countries

- Target: up to 25,000 beds by 2025

- EUR 400 million already invested this year

- Portfolio growth to exceed EUR 1 billion

Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus Group (IC Group), a pio­neer in insti­tu­tio­nal­ly owned Euro­pean Stu­dent Housing and Micro Living offe­rings, cele­bra­tes its tenth anni­ver­sa­ry with stra­te­gic growth plans for new micro living pro­ducts with an invest­ment focus on Ger­ma­ny, Aus­tria, the Net­her­lands and other nor­t­hern Euro­pean count­ries.

IC Group aims to increase its cur­rent 5,800 bed count under con­s­truc­tion and ope­ra­ti­on to up to 25,000 beds by 2025. Equi­ty finan­cing of new pro­jects will be fun­ded on-balan­ce sheet, tar­ge­ting a port­fo­lio size of at least one bil­li­on euros.

For 2021, the Com­pa­ny has grown its port­fo­lio by 400 mil­li­on euros through the acqui­si­ti­on of pro­jects in Aachen, Frank­furt, Frei­burg, Ham­burg and Munich. The growth is being made pos­si­ble by its share­hol­der Brook­field, which has held a majo­ri­ty sta­ke in the com­pa­ny sin­ce 2018.

Rai­ner Non­nen­gäs­ser, Exec. Chair­man

Rai­ner Non­nen­gäs­ser, Exe­cu­ti­ve Chair­man of IC Group: “When we star­ted deve­lo­ping modern stu­dent apart­ments under the brand name ‘THE FIZZ’ ten years ago, inte­rest from insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors in Ger­ma­ny was near­ly zero. Today, Stu­dent Housing is an important com­po­nent of the port­fo­lio stra­tegy for many inves­tors. It was also the start­ing point for many inno­va­ti­ve pro­ducts in the Micro Living seg­ment, which have now estab­lished them­sel­ves as pro­fes­sio­nal asset clas­ses. We will stra­te­gi­cal­ly add new Micro Living con­cepts to the Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus plat­form in the near future, cle­ar­ly focus our invest­ments geo­gra­phi­cal­ly, and build our own value-add port­fo­lio.”

Cushman & Wakefield: High demand for Micro Living products from institutional investors

Accor­ding to a stu­dy by Cush­man & Wake­field from April 2021, the tran­sac­tion volu­me in the Micro Living sec­tor was around EUR 660 mil­li­on in 2020. This was less than in pre­vious years, but the glo­bal COVID pan­de­mic and a lack of pro­ducts were limi­ting fac­tors. Cush­man & Wake­field assu­mes that the mar­ket for micro apart­ments will con­ti­nue to grow and that inves­tor inte­rest will remain high. In the stu­dy, the experts assu­me that tran­sac­tion volu­mes will rise again in the future.

Product differentiation and geographical growth

As part of its pro­duct expan­si­on, IC Group will launch the Micro Living pro­duct “HVNS” (pro­no­un­ced “havens” for har­bor). The con­cept taps into to pro­fes­sio­nals see­king uncom­pli­ca­ted, turn­key living in key urban cen­tres. With this offer, IC Group pro­vi­des a solu­ti­on for the lack of available smal­ler unit sizes and thus ser­ves the ste­adi­ly gro­wing sur­plus demand in this seg­ment. The first “HVNS” will open later this year in Ham­burg with 214 micro apart­ments set to be occu­p­ied in Octo­ber.

Curr­ent­ly, a total of over 5,800 apart­ments are in ope­ra­ti­on and under con­s­truc­tion in Ger­ma­ny, the Net­her­lands, Aus­tria and the Czech Repu­blic. Growth to up to 25,000 beds is plan­ned by 2025.

Gawain Smart, CEO

Gawain Smart, CEO of IC Group, adds: “When it comes to pro­vi­ding ade­qua­te housing opti­ons for stu­dents and pro­fes­sio­nals, the mar­kets rele­vant to us are behind the UK and North Ame­ri­ca. This forces many into less than opti­mal co-living expe­ri­en­ces, and we want to clo­se this gap with a sup­p­ly that meets this need. But we also pro­vi­de our inves­tors with the sta­ble and pre­dic­ta­ble inco­me pro­s­pects found in resi­den­ti­al mar­kets today.”

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