International Campus starts construction in Berlin

  • Con­ver­si­on of a for­mer office buil­ding for the HAVENS LIVING urban living con­cept with 265 ful­ly fur­nis­hed apart­ments, 530 bicy­cle par­king spaces, and num­e­rous com­mon are­as and ser­vices
  • Sup­pli­ed with dis­trict hea­ting, LEED Pla­ti­num cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on is being pur­sued
  • Com­ple­ti­on sche­du­led for mid-2025

Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus, one of the lea­ding inves­tors, deve­lo­pers, port­fo­lio hol­ders and ope­ra­tors in the stu­dent housing and urban living sec­tor in Euro­pe, has star­ted con­s­truc­tion work on the HAVENS LIVING con­ver­si­on pro­ject ‘The OSA’ on Otto-Suhr-Allee in Ber­lin-Char­lot­ten­burg. Plans invol­ve 265 ful­ly equip­ped apart­ments, 530 bicy­cle par­king spaces and exten­si­ve com­mon are­as with co-working spaces, gym, café and more. The apart­ment buil­ding will later be sup­pli­ed with dis­trict hea­ting. The gene­ral con­trac­tor is W. Mark­graf GmbH. LEED Pla­ti­num cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on is being tar­ge­ted. Con­s­truc­tion is sche­du­led to end in May 2025.

“With the next HAVENS LIVING loca­ted in a prime Ber­lin loca­ti­on, we are laun­ching our next con­ver­si­on pro­ject. The buil­ding will be our third pro­per­ty in the Ger­man capi­tal and our third pro­per­ty in the HAVENS LIVING resi­den­ti­al offe­ring ope­ra­ting under the local name ‘The OSA’,” says Gawain Smart, CEO of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus Group. “Ber­lin is serious­ly under­sup­pli­ed for both regu­lar and tem­po­ra­ry housing. We are crea­ting attrac­ti­ve, sus­tainable and demand-dri­ven housing for all peo­p­le who want to live and work in prime loca­ti­on of Ber­lin.”

“We are put­ting full focus on sus­taina­bi­li­ty for ‘The OSA’ and are aiming for LEED Pla­ti­num cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on,” adds Ben­ja­min Albrecht, Direc­tor Deve­lo­p­ment Euro­pe at Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus. “We will retain a lar­ge part of the exis­ting buil­ding and con­ti­nue to use its ‘grey ener­gy’. The OSA will impress with excel­lent con­sump­ti­on figu­res in ope­ra­ti­on, as the apart­ment buil­ding will be con­nec­ted to the dis­trict hea­ting net­work. Mea­su­res such as smart flow con­trol­lers will signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ce water con­sump­ti­on com­pared to con­ven­tio­nal sys­tems.”

Ber­lin, the Ger­man capi­tal has 3.8 mil­li­on inha­bi­tants (Decem­ber 2022) and also the most popu­la­ted city in Ger­ma­ny and home to num­e­rous natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­nies as well as inno­va­ti­ve start-ups. Last year alo­ne, the city gai­ned around 76,000 new resi­dents.

Letze Neuigkeiten

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