International Campus starts redevelopment

  • Core rem­oval of the two-part con­ver­si­on pro­ject com­ple­ted
  • Living and ser­vice con­cept will offer 154 ful­ly equip­ped apart­ments in various sizes, more than 80 car- and 230 bicy­cle par­king spaces, as well as com­mu­ni­ty spaces
  • The house, built to KfW stan­dard, will achie­ve LEED Sil­ver cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on upon its com­ple­ti­on

Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus (IC), a lea­ding play­er in the Euro­pean mar­ket for stu­dent housing and urban living con­cepts, has com­ple­ted par­ti­al demo­li­ti­on work at its MAIN VOLTA pro­ject and is now start­ing the con­ver­si­on work of the for­mer office and resi­den­ti­al buil­ding in Frank­furt West. The two-part pro­per­ty under the HAVENS Living brand will offer 154 fur­nis­hed indi­vi­du­al apart­ments ran­ging in size from 22 to 110 squa­re meters on more than 14,000 squa­re meters of gross flo­or area, as well as exten­si­ve com­mon are­as inclu­ding a green roof ter­race, com­mu­nal kit­chen and co-working are­as. Upon com­ple­ti­on, the KfW buil­ding will achie­ve LEED Sil­ver stan­dard. The gene­ral con­trac­tor is TM-Aus­bau-GmbH. Com­ple­ti­on of the apart­ment buil­ding for resi­den­ti­al urban living is sche­du­led mid-2024.

“Frank­furt, as the cen­ter of Euro­pean ban­king and the eco­no­mic­al­ly strong Rhi­ne-Main regi­on, reflects mas­si­ve demand for con­tem­po­ra­ry, ful­ly equip­ped and fur­nis­hed living spaces. Our new MAIN VOLTA pro­ject will meet this demand in a prime loca­ti­on and with num­e­rous com­mon are­as,” said Gawain Smart, CEO of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus Group. “We anti­ci­pa­te com­ple­ti­on and ope­ning in the midd­le of next year.”

Ben­ja­min Albrecht, Direc­tor of Deve­lo­p­ment and Co-Head for Euro­pe at Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus, added: “We are plea­sed to have com­ple­ted the core rem­oval and to now be able to start the con­s­truc­tion work. The ful­ly equip­ped MAIN VOLTA apart­ment buil­ding is ide­al­ly con­nec­ted to local trans­port and is loca­ted just 15 minu­tes from the main train sta­ti­on and num­e­rous restau­rants and pubs in the Bocken­heim dis­trict. In addi­ti­on to Frank­fur­t’s city cen­ter, Esch­born with its multi­tu­de of cor­po­ra­te offices can be rea­ched in less than fif­teen minu­tes.”

With a popu­la­ti­on of around 760,000, Frank­furt am Main is one of the lar­gest cities in Euro­pe and home to natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal ban­king hou­ses as well as major cor­po­ra­ti­ons from various indus­tries. In addi­ti­on, Frank­furt Air­port is one of the most important traf­fic hubs in the world. Accor­ding to ope­ra­tor Fra­port, almost 49 mil­li­on pas­sen­gers used the air­port in 2022 alo­ne.

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