Student Residence in Krakow


Student housing specialist International Campus Group to develop student residence with 1,000 apartments in Krakow

  • Joint ven­ture bet­ween Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus Group and Alkyon Part­ners GmbH (War­saw / Linz) deve­lo­ping apart­ment buil­ding on natio­nal­ly renow­ned sci­ence and tech­no­lo­gy cam­pus in the cen­tral Zabło­cie neigh­bour­hood
  • Around 1,000 apart­ments to be built for stu­dents and young pro­fes­sio­nals
  • More stu­dents in Kra­kow than in Ber­lin, Vien­na or Pra­gue

Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus is deve­lo­ping an apart­ment buil­ding for stu­dents and young pro­fes­sio­nals in Kra­kow tog­e­ther with Alkyon Part­ners GmbH. It will be ope­ra­ted by Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus under its brand “THE FIZZ”. Loca­ted on the sci­ence and tech­no­lo­gy cam­pus in the up-and-coming, cen­tral Zabło­cie neigh­bour­hood, the apart­ment buil­ding will boast around 1,000 apart­ments for stu­dents and young pro­fes­sio­nals. Fur­ther­mo­re, “THE FIZZ Kra­kow” will offer exten­si­ve com­mu­nal are­as, 88 under­ground par­king spaces and 33 out­door par­king spaces and racks for around 970 bikes.

Alex­an­der Gulya, Head of Inter­na­tio­nal Deve­lo­p­ment of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus Group, explains: “Kra­kow is the cul­tu­ral, sci­en­ti­fic and eco­no­mic cent­re of sou­thern Pol­and, and the heart of a regi­on of more than nine mil­li­on peo­p­le. The city is boo­ming and has a young, inter­na­tio­nal and vibrant tech­no­lo­gy and start-up sce­ne that is attrac­ting many well-edu­ca­ted young peo­p­le. What may sur­pri­se many is that the­re are more young peo­p­le stu­dy­ing in Kra­kow than in Ber­lin, Vien­na or Pra­gue.”

Dr. Thors­ten Lei­pert, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Alkyon Part­ners, adds: “We have been ope­ra­ting in CEE for more than 25 years now, and in that time we have seen through pro­jects with a value in excess of EUR 2 bil­li­on eit­her alo­ne or with part­ners. Stu­dent housing is a quite new idea in Cen­tral and Eas­tern Euro­pe, though the­re are some very inte­res­t­ing hot spots for inves­tors­such as Kra­kow. We are the­r­e­fo­re deligh­ted to have found a well-known stu­dent housing spe­cia­list with ope­ra­ti­ons throug­hout Euro­pe in Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus.”

“THE FIZZ Kra­kow” will have seven and eight flo­ors and a cen­tral ent­rance with a recep­ti­on and buil­ding mana­ger. In kee­ping with the living and ser­vice con­cept of THE FIZZ, com­mu­ni­ty will be at the heart of this stu­dent and young pro­fes­sio­nal resi­dence as well. Key ele­ments of the com­mu­ni­ty con­cept include com­mu­ni­ty events, shared spaces, value-added ser­vices for day-to-day life and on-site cont­acts. The con­cept also offers ple­nty of room for per­so­nal and social space to meet the needs of all resi­dents.

Kra­kow is Poland’s second-lar­gest city with a popu­la­ti­on of around 760,000. More than nine mil­li­on peo­p­le live within a radi­us of 100 kilo­me­t­res. The Czech Repu­blic, Slo­va­kia and Ukrai­ne can be quick­ly rea­ched from Kra­kow. Situa­ted on the Vis­tu­la River, today the­re are around 210,000 stu­dents regis­tered at the city’s tra­di­ti­on-stee­ped uni­ver­si­ties and col­leges, who­se for­mer stu­dents include Nico­las Coper­ni­cus and Pope John Paul II.

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