Spain´s RESA joins Network Cum Laude


International student housing platform grows:Spain’s RESA to join “Network Cum Laude” 

  • Coope­ra­ti­on plat­form curr­ent­ly includes 36,000 apart­ments and rea­ches 40,000 stu­dents in the Net­her­lands, Ger­ma­ny and Spain
  • RESA ope­ra­tes more than 8,000 beds in 18 cities on the Ibe­ri­an pen­in­su­la
  • Spa­nish mar­ket lea­der to join DUWO and Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus as third “Net­work Cum Lau­de” part­ner 

The Spa­nish stu­dent housing spe­cia­list RESA beca­me a “Net­work Cum Lau­de” (NCL) part­ner. Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus AG and RESA sea­led the deal last week by sig­ning an offi­ci­al coope­ra­ti­on agree­ment in Madrid. The agree­ment covers a clo­se part­ner­ship aimed at impro­ving vacan­cy rates, opti­mi­sing stu­dent housing, con­so­li­da­ting stu­dent-rele­vant added-value offe­rings and encou­ra­ging a focu­sed exch­an­ge of know­ledge at all stra­te­gic and ope­ra­tio­nal levels. RESA joins NCL as a third par­ty tog­e­ther with DUWO and Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus. 

Jan Ben­schop, CEO of Sticht­ing DUWO: “We are proud to wel­co­me RESA as a third par­ty at “Net­work Cum Lau­de”, the inter­na­tio­nal coope­ra­ti­on plat­form of stu­dent housing ope­ra­tors. The Dutch DUWO and the Ger­man Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus AG foun­ded NCL, but we are gro­wing fast. We are working on fur­ther expan­si­on: DUWO is espe­ci­al­ly inte­res­ted in the mobi­li­ty of stu­dents throug­hout Euro­pe. We love the idea to faci­li­ta­te stu­dents by moving within Euro­pe. We also want to intro­du­ce them to Euro­pean employ­ers. That’s a win-win situa­ti­on for all par­ties!” 

Horst Lie­der, CEO of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus AG: “We would like to extend a warm wel­co­me to RESA as a mem­ber of “Net­work Cum Lau­de” and look for­ward to working tog­e­ther. In RESA, we have found a dedi­ca­ted part­ner with many years of expe­ri­ence in the Spa­nish housing mar­ket and a pre­sence in many uni­ver­si­ty sites.” Lie­der com­men­ted: “The coope­ra­ti­on agree­ment sig­ning with RESA, the lea­ding pro­vi­der of stu­dent housing in Spain, is a major step for­ward for us and the NCL. As a result, the coope­ra­ti­on plat­form now includes more than 36,000 apart­ments in three key count­ries for the Euro­pean hig­her edu­ca­ti­on mar­ket. This gives us direct cont­act to 40,000 stu­dents, a tar­get group that is gro­wing ever more important for a wide ran­ge of indus­tries both as con­su­mers and mem­bers of the work­force.” 

Moni­ca Garay, CEO of RESA: “We stron­gly belie­ve that this agree­ment is going to enrich all par­ties. RESAs com­mit­ment with stu­dents and uni­ver­si­ties is indu­bi­ta­ble. Joi­ning “Net­work Cum Lau­de” gives us on the one hand the oppor­tu­ni­ty to beco­me part of an inter­na­tio­nal reco­g­nis­ed stu­dent housing net­work. On the other hand RESA can deve­lop the Euro­pean uni­ver­si­ty accom­mo­da­ti­on sec­tor with other mem­bers of NCL and sha­ring more than 20 years mar­ket expe­ri­ence.” 

RESA is the mar­ket lea­der in Spain. The com­pa­ny ope­ra­tes and mana­ges more than 8,000 beds in 30 stu­dent hou­ses. RESA is a nati­on­wi­de ope­ra­tor with pre­sence in the 18 major cities. This makes RESA by far, which has more than 20 years of expe­ri­ence in the field of stu­dent housing and clo­se part­ner­ships with more than 25 uni­ver­si­ties, the lar­gest pro­vi­der of stu­dent housing in Spain. More than 1.4 mil­li­on stu­dents were enrol­led at 82 uni­ver­si­ties in 2013/14 in Spain. RESA is actively inves­t­ing in the Spa­nish mar­ket ope­ning every year at least two new stu­dent resi­den­ces. 

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