Progress at Sonnwendviertel


Progress at Sonnwendviertel: Topping off THE FIZZ Vienna Main Station

The flou­ris­hing Sonn­wend­vier­tel will soon host an attrac­ti­ve stu­dent resi­dence with THE FIZZ Vien­na Main Sta­ti­on. The pro­ject with 195 apart­ments is being deve­lo­ped by Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus Aus­tria GmbH, CORAG Real Estate Hol­ding GmbH and Kol­lit­sch & Reich­stamm Pro­jek­te GmbH.

On Wed­nes­day evening, near­ly 100 guests cele­bra­ted the shell’s com­ple­ti­on of the second THE FIZZ in Vien­na. The first stu­dent accom­mo­da­ti­on in Vien­na Bri­git­ten­au has been in ope­ra­ti­on sin­ce 2017. At Sonn­wend­vier­tel in the 10th muni­ci­pal dis­trict, addi­tio­nal 195 ful­ly fur­nis­hed apart­ments for stu­dents will be built on a gross flo­or area of 6.800 sqm until Autumn 2019.

„With our second house in the heart of Vien­na, we are expan­ding the sup­p­ly of housing for stu­dents tail­o­red to their needs. We are well on sche­du­le with the con­s­truc­tion works and expect them to be com­ple­ted on time by the win­ter semes­ter 2019/2020.”, explains Alex­an­der Gulya, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus Aus­tria GmbH.

All-inclusive apartment rents

THE FIZZ Vien­na Main Sta­ti­on offers apart­ments with an avera­ge size of 22 sqm spread over six flo­ors. The­re will also be apart­ments with up to 39 sqm sui­ta­ble for dou­ble occu­p­an­cy. All units are ful­ly fur­nis­hed and fea­ture a pan­try kit­chen plus pri­va­te bath­room. Fur­ther­mo­re, the resi­dence con­vin­ces with its cen­tral loca­ti­on in the heart of Vien­na and the per­fect con­nec­tion to public trans­port.

Due to vary­ing apart­ment sizes, month­ly rents ran­ge from 610 to 850 Euros. The­se include fur­nis­hing, all ope­ra­ting cos­ts such as hea­ting or elec­tri­ci­ty, high-speed inter­net and a house mana­ger ser­vice. The ren­tal of apart­ments is pos­si­ble online on

Social exchange in an international community

The house offers seve­ral com­mu­nal are­as enab­ling an inspi­ring com­mu­ni­ty to emer­ge. The inter­na­tio­nal ten­ants can con­nect in the com­mon kit­chen, cosy loun­ges, the gam­ing area, stu­dy rooms or on the roof ter­race with out­door kit­chen. Regu­lar events and a com­mu­ni­ty mana­ger crea­te a fami­ly like atmo­sphe­re. The resi­dence at Dresd­ner Stra­ße in Vien­na Bri­git­ten­au alre­a­dy unites 40 dif­fe­rent natio­na­li­ties to one lively com­mu­ni­ty.

Bes­i­des deve­lo­ping this pro­ject, Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus Aus­tria GmbH will also be the ope­ra­tor. Kol­lit­sch Bau GmbH is the total con­trac­tor and Raiff­ei­sen-Lan­des­bank Stei­er­mark is in char­ge of fun­ding.

Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus would like to thank all pro­ject par­ti­ci­pan­ts and part­ners once again and wis­hes the con­s­truc­tion con­tin­ued suc­cess and an acci­dent-free time.

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