New student residence THE FIZZ Frankfurt Gallus


International Campus’ new student residence “THE FIZZ Frankfurt Gallus” to fully open on 1 October

  • Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus’ first con­ver­si­on pro­ject
  • Com­ple­ted buil­ding sec­tion alre­a­dy ful­ly ren­ted, ren­ting of all other stu­dent apart­ments to begin imme­dia­te­ly
  • A food retail­er and a restau­rant are ground flo­or ten­ants , one shop space is still available
  • Exclu­si­ve vie­w­ing of the stu­dent resi­dence is sche­du­led for mem­bers of the press and uni­ver­si­ty repre­sen­ta­ti­ves in mid-Sep­tem­ber

On 1 Octo­ber, Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus AG will ful­ly open its new stu­dent resi­dence “THE FIZZ Frank­furt Gal­lus” in time for the 2015/16 win­ter semes­ter. The first buil­ding sec­tion, which ope­ned on 1 July, is alre­a­dy ful­ly ren­ted. The stu­dent apart­ment buil­ding in the for­mer city of Frankfurt’s Muni­ci­pal Public Affairs Depart­ment includes 381 ful­ly fur­nis­hed sin­gle apart­ments, seve­ral semi­nar rooms, a house mana­ger, a lounge area with coo­king area on the ground flo­or and a sky lounge with ano­ther coo­king area and a view of Frankfurt’s sky­line. The pro­per­ty also has 300 bicy­cle stands and 113 par­king spaces, a new­ly cul­ti­va­ted green area for the gar­den apart­ments and a total of some 1,300 squa­re met­res of com­mer­cial space. This is occu­p­ied by a food retail­er and a restau­rant and 210 squa­re met­res of retail space is still available to rent.

Alex­an­der Gulya, Mem­ber of the Exe­cu­ti­ve Board for Deve­lo­p­ment at Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus AG, com­men­ted: “We are hap­py with the com­ple­ti­on of our new stu­dent resi­dence in Frank­furt Gal­lus in time for the win­ter semes­ter. “THE FIZZ Frank­furt Gal­lus” is spe­cial to us as it is our first con­ver­si­on pro­ject. We have crea­ted con­tem­po­ra­ry and high­ly sought living space for stu­dents out of an office buil­ding which is more than 40 years old. It also ful­ly lives up to our typi­cal qua­li­ty and living stan­dards”. The con­ver­si­on of office buil­dings has ple­nty of scope:

“The high vacan­cy rate of office buil­dings dating from the 1970s which can no lon­ger be lea­sed is typi­cal of many Ger­man cities. Con­ver­ting the­se old buil­dings into stu­dent accom­mo­da­ti­on bears huge poten­ti­al. They are also cen­tral­ly loca­ted and alre­a­dy come with the rele­vant buil­ding per­mis­si­on“, added Gulya.

The Frank­furt-based archi­tec­tu­ral firm Magnus Kami­niarz & Cie was respon­si­ble for the plan­ning of “THE FIZZ Frank­furt Gal­lus”. After redu­cing it to its basic struc­tu­re, a com­ple­te reno­va­ti­on and exten­si­ve buil­ding work, the eight and ele­ven-storey buil­ding now meets the low ener­gy KfW 70 stan­dard. The modern stu­dent apart­ments with a flo­or space of bet­ween 21 and 24 squa­re met­res are all ful­ly fur­nis­hed with a bed, desk, chair and cup­boards and include a high-qua­li­ty show­er room and a kit­chenet­te with a ref­ri­ge­ra­tor, micro­wa­ve and cera­mic hob. The “Schwal­ba­cher Stra­ße” tram stop is direct­ly oppo­si­te “THE FIZZ Frank­furt Gal­lus” and the S‑Bahn sta­ti­on Gal­lus­war­te is within wal­king distance. The month­ly all-in-rent starts at EUR 515 – incl. high-speed Inter­net, fur­ni­tu­re, elec­tri­ci­ty and ancil­la­ry cos­ts.

Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus’ second stu­dent accom­mo­da­ti­on in Frank­furt am Main will be com­ple­ted in the form of an ensem­ble of buil­dings near the Som­mer­hoff­park by the 2018/19 win­ter semes­ter. “THE FIZZ Frank­furt Som­mer­hoff­park” on the nor­t­hern bank of the Main river will pro­vi­de high-qua­li­ty accom­mo­da­ti­on for around 390 stu­dents. More than 60,000 stu­dents stu­di­ed at the city’s two uni­ver­si­ties and eight tech­ni­cal col­leges during the 2014/15 win­ter semes­ter.

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