New student residence THE FIZZ Darmstadt


New student residence in Darmstadt “THE FIZZ Darmstadt” to be partially opened for the winter semester

  • The first buil­ding sec­tion of the stu­dent resi­dence in the Ver­lags­vier­tel dis­trict is to be com­ple­ted by mid-Sep­tem­ber, with the second pha­se expec­ted to be com­ple­ted by the begin­ning of the 2016 sum­mer semes­ter
  • It offers a total of 342 ful­ly fur­nis­hed sin­gle and dou­ble apart­ments with modern bath room and kit­chenet­te
  • Ren­tal of the apart­ments has alre­a­dy star­ted

Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus will par­ti­al­ly open the new “THE FIZZ Darm­stadt” stu­dent resi­dence in the cen­tral­ly loca­ted Ver­lags­vier­tel dis­trict with 97 apart­ments on 14 Sep­tem­ber 2015, right in time for the begin­ning of the 2015/16 win­ter semes­ter. The first buil­ding sec­tion, the lis­ted and com­ple­te­ly res­to­red buil­ding on the for­mer Gra­phia Not­h­na­gel site, will be rea­dy for stu­dents to move in. The second con­s­truc­tion pha­se with 245 stu­dent apart­ments will open at the start of the 2016 sum­mer semes­ter. Stu­dents inte­res­ted in ren­ting the­se apart­ments can now cont­act:

“We are deligh­ted to be able to open the first sec­tion of our new stu­dent resi­dence in Darm­stadt in time for the begin­ning of the win­ter semes­ter“, com­men­ted Horst Lie­der, CEO of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus AG. “With “THE FIZZ Darm­stadt” on Schöf­fer­stra­ße, we have crea­ted urgen­tly requi­red, con­tem­po­ra­ry and high­ly attrac­ti­ve living space for stu­dents. All stu­dent apart­ments are ful­ly fur­nis­hed and have a modern bath room and kit­chenet­te. Our resi­dents can move in straight away from mid Sep­tem­ber and get down to their stu­dies,” added Lie­der.

The stu­dent resi­dence is loca­ted on a pro­per­ty encom­pas­sing some 7,000 squa­re met­res on Schöf­fer­stra­ße near the Albert Schweit­zer Park, direct­ly oppo­si­te the Hoch­schu­le Darm­stadt. The city cent­re and TU Darm­stadt are within just a few minu­tes’ wal­king distance. “THE FIZZ Darm­stadt” offers access to public are­as for bar­be­cuing and lei­su­re acti­vi­ties, 342 cycle stands and 80 par­king spaces, a gene­rous coo­king lounge, two semi­nar and stu­dy rooms, a laun­dry and dry­ing room, a cen­tral ent­rance with a full house mana­ger ser­vice and a lounge with a TV pro­jec­tor. All 342 sin­gle and dou­ble apart­ments are ful­ly fur­nis­hed with a bed, desk and cup­boards, a modern show­er room and a kit­chenet­te over an avera­ge living space of around 21 squa­re met­res. The all-in-rents start at EUR 450 – inclu­ding elec­tri­ci­ty, high-speed inter­net access, ancil­la­ry cos­ts and the use of com­mon faci­li­ties.

During the 2014/15 win­ter semes­ter, some 45,000 stu­dents stu­di­ed at the Tech­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Darm­stadt, the Hoch­schu­le Darm­stadt and the Evan­ge­li­sche Hoch­schu­le Darm­stadt. The Darm­stadt stu­dent ser­vices asso­cia­ti­on offers around 2,800 places in halls of resi­den­ces in 15 dif­fe­rent loca­ti­ons. The city has more than 150,000 inha­bi­tants, and the figu­re is rising. In 2014 alo­ne, the num­ber of resi­dents grew by around 2,000.

Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus AG ope­ra­tes and deve­lo­ps stu­dent accom­mo­da­ti­on in Ger­ma­ny under the “THE FIZZ” brand in Ber­lin, Bre­men, Darm­stadt, Frank­furt am Main, Frei­burg, Ham­burg, Hano­ver and Colo­gne, com­pri­sing a total of more than 3,000 apart­ments.

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