International Campus Acquires Five Asset Student Housing-Portfolio

  • One of the lar­gest stu­dent housing tran­sac­tion in the Ger­man-spea­king regi­on in the last three years
  • Pro­per­ties alre­a­dy ope­ra­ted under the IC brand “THE FIZZ”
  • Com­bi­ned total of near­ly 1,900 beds repre­sen­ting over 73,000 squa­re met­res GFA
  • Imple­men­ta­ti­on of the new THE FIZZ design and ser­vice con­cept across all acqui­red pro­per­ties will bring a fresh new look and impro­ved ser­vice offe­ring for all resi­dents

Ber­lin, 17. Janu­ar 2023. Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus, a lea­ding play­er in the Euro­pean stu­dent housing mar­ket, has com­ple­ted the acqui­si­ti­on of a port­fo­lio com­pri­sing five stu­dent apart­ment blocks. This acqui­si­ti­on is one of the lar­gest tran­sac­tions in the Ger­man-spea­king regi­on in the stu­dent housing mar­ket in 2022 and repres­ents a signi­fi­cant mile­stone for Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus, as it con­ti­nues to grow its foot­print in the stu­dent housing mar­ket and pro­fes­sio­nal urban living space. The pro­per­ties are alre­a­dy ope­ra­ted by Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus under its brand THE FIZZ and are loca­ted in Ber­lin (Köpe­ni­cker Stras­se), Darm­stadt (Schöf­fer­stras­se), Frank­furt am Main (Main­zer Land­stras­se), Hano­ver (Am Kläp­per­berg) and Vien­na (Dresd­ner Stras­se). The accom­mo­da­ti­ons available at the five pro­per­ties add near­ly 1,900 beds over­all. The terms of the deal were not dis­c­lo­sed.

“We are proud to say that we now have 18 owned pro­per­ties in four­teen dif­fe­rent loca­ti­ons across four count­ries with a total of 7,400 beds under ope­ra­ti­on and deve­lo­p­ment. We look for­ward to con­ti­nuing our acqui­si­ti­on tar­gets in 2023 by adding sta­bi­li­zed and turn-key assets in the living space through tra­di­tio­nal and inno­va­ti­ve and fle­xi­ble purcha­se struc­tures,” com­men­ted Gawain Smart, CEO of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus Group.

THE FIZZ Wien Bri­git­ten­au

“Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus curr­ent­ly focus­ses on the major Ger­man cities for our stu­dent brand THE FIZZ. Howe­ver, we are hap­py to look at B‑cities with strong uni­ver­si­ties,” added Micha­el Stapf, Chief Invest­ment Offi­cer of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus Group. “The stu­dent apart­ments are alre­a­dy ful­ly occu­p­ied. We see strong demand in the stu­dent sec­tor. Nevert­hel­ess, the sec­tor con­ti­nues to inno­va­te and we are plan­ning to imple­ment our new design and ser­vice con­cept in all of our new­ly acqui­red pro­per­ties by upgrading the com­mu­ni­ty spaces and by giving apart­ments a make-over,” explai­ned Micha­el Stapf.

Uni­ver­si­ty enrol­ment in the cities whe­re the just-purcha­sed stu­dent apart­ment blocks are loca­ted adds up to a cur­rent total of more than 560,000 stu­dents.

In the cur­rent mar­ket, stu­dent housing is pro­ving to be a sta­ble invest­ment class, just as it was during the pan­de­mic. Accor­ding to the latest Stu­dent Housing Spot­light from Savills, the tran­sac­tion mar­ket con­ti­nues to rush from one record to the next: In Euro­pe, the volu­me in the first three quar­ters was around 11.7 bil­li­on. Euros, which cor­re­sponds to an increase of 130 per­cent com­pared to the pre­vious year. Demand also remains unab­a­ted­ly high, as stu­dent housing con­ti­nues to be in short sup­p­ly and, with con­s­truc­tion acti­vi­ty expec­ted to decli­ne this year, the num­ber of new homes is not pro­vi­ding the reli­ef nee­ded.

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