IC opens THE FIZZ+ Freiburg


International Campus opens “THE FIZZ+ Freiburg” with 149 high-quality student apartments 

  • All apart­ments of the first con­s­truc­tion pha­se sold
  • More than 90 per cent of apart­ments alre­a­dy lea­sed 

The stu­dent resi­dence “THE FIZZ+ Frei­burg” in the popu­lar dis­trict Frei­burg-Zäh­rin­gen has been com­ple­ted and is now open. More than 90 per cent of the 149 high-qua­li­ty, ful­ly-fur­nis­hed one and two-room apart­ments have alre­a­dy been lea­sed. While a few of the apart­ments con­s­truc­ted in the second pha­se are still available, all first-pha­se 116 apart­ments have been sold. For the manage­ment and let­ting of “THE FIZZ+ Frei­burg“, which is con­s­truc­ted with the low-ener­gy buil­ding stan­dard “Frei­bur­ger Effi­zi­enz­haus 60”, Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus AG is respon­si­ble. 

Horst Lie­der, CEO of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus AG: “Just in time for the start of the win­ter semes­ter 2014/15 and the tra­di­tio­nal wel­co­me-day of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Frei­burg in the sta­di­um of SC Frei­burg the “THE FIZZ+” is rea­dy. We are deligh­ted that our pre­mi­um stu­dent resi­dence has been almost ful­ly lea­sed befo­re the semes­ter has even begun.” Around half of the apart­ments are occu­p­ied by inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents, many of them on the Euro­pean Eras­mus + pro­gram­me. “We wish all stu­dents a warm wel­co­me as well as a suc­cessful start to their stu­dies,” Lie­der added. 

“THE FIZZ+ Frei­burg” offers a high qua­li­ty of living and stu­dy­ing thanks to spa­cious, ful­ly-fur­nis­hed apart­ments of bet­ween 27 and 30 squa­re met­res on avera­ge, most of them with their own ter­races or bal­co­nies. Other high­lights include semi­nar rooms, a laun­dry room, and a house coor­di­na­tor, all of cour­se in an excel­lent loca­ti­on. The stu­dent resi­dence has around 100 spaces for bicy­cles and 29 par­king spaces for cars as well as an inner gar­den area. The pri­va­te­ly finan­ced stu­dent resi­dence on the cor­ner of Zäh­rin­ger Stra­ße and Tul­la­stra­ße repres­ents an invest­ment volu­me of 2 rough­ly €22 mil­li­on for both con­s­truc­tion pha­ses. The all-in rents, which include elec­tri­ci­ty, hea­ting, water, fur­nis­hings, high speed inter­net access and all ancil­la­ry char­ges, start at around €450 per month. 

Ari­bert Fre­ce of Stu­ckert Wohn­bau AG, that deve­lo­ped “THE FIZZ+ Frei­burg” in a joint ven­ture with GEWO GmbH, com­men­ted: “Due to the inno­va­ti­ve con­cept and high-qua­li­ty con­s­truc­tion of the stu­dent resi­dence, we have struck a chord with inves­tors, while at the same time easing the tight mar­ket for stu­dent housing in Frei­burg.” Fre­ce added: “Now that “THE FIZZ+” is finis­hed, it is easy to see that it fits in well with the rest of the Zäh­rin­gen neigh­bour­hood. Thanks to the building’s well-desi­gned struc­tu­re, the con­cier­ge ser­vice and the excel­lent insu­la­ting mate­ri­als that have been used, the noi­se level won’t be any hig­her than when the Esso petrol sta­ti­on used to be the­re.” 

With over 215,000 inha­bi­tants, the city of Frei­burg im Breis­gau is a renow­ned uni­ver­si­ty town with a pro­spe­ring eco­no­my. Bes­i­des the Albert Lud­wig Uni­ver­si­ty of Frei­burg, the city is home to other edu­ca­tio­nal and rese­arch estab­lish­ments, inclu­ding insti­tu­tes of the Max Planck Gesell­schaft and the Fraun­ho­fer Gesell­schaft. In win­ter semes­ter 2013/14, more than 32,000 young peo­p­le from Ger­ma­ny and abroad were stu­dy­ing in the city on the Drei­sam river. 

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