IC Netherlands acquires


IC Netherlands acquires first student residence in Amsterdam-Zeeburgereiland

  • Pro­per­ty to be part of a sepa­ra­te port­fo­lio in the Net­her­lands
  • Pri­ma­ry ten­ant is DUWO, mar­ket lea­der in stu­dent accom­mo­da­ti­on
  • Seven-storey stu­dent resi­dence with 364 apart­ments
  • Excel­lent tram, bus and motor­way con­nec­tions

IC  Net­her­lands,  a  sub­si­dia­ry  of  the  Ger­man stu­dent housing spe­cia­list Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus, has acqui­red a stu­dent resi­dence in the eas­tern part of Ams­ter­dam pri­or to con­s­truc­tion. A sales agree­ment was signed bet­ween IC Net­her­lands B.V. and local  pro­per­ty  deve­lo­per  Van Wij­nen B.V. at the PROVADA trade fair last week. Work on the stu­dent resi­dence pro­ject loca­ted on IJburg­la­an in Amsterdam’s new Zeebur­ge­rei­land dis­trict has alre­a­dy star­ted and is sche­du­led  to  be  com­ple­ted  in  July  2016.  The  stu­dent  resi­dence  includes  364 apart­ments on seven flo­ors and is part of a sepa­ra­te port­fo­lio in the Net­her­lands.

Wou­ter van den Eijn­den, Mana­ging Part­ner of IC Net­her­lands, com­men­ted: “We are deligh­ted that we were able to secu­re the IJburg­la­an pro­ject at such an ear­ly stage. Here in Zeebur­ge­rei­land, one of Amsterdam’s new urban deve­lo­p­ment are­as, we are crea­ting an attrac­ti­ve, high-qua­li­ty and archi­tec­tu­ral­ly appe­al­ing living space for 364 stu­dents.” Ams­ter­dam is a flou­ris­hing city with round about 810,000 resi­dents and appro­xi­m­ate­ly 103,000 stu­dents. “We are plan­ning an initi­al port­fo­lio of five pro­per­ties in the Net­her­lands,” van den Eijn­den added. “Ano­ther four stu­dent housing pro­jects are alre­a­dy in the pipe­line.”

Horst Lie­der, Chair­man of the Board of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus AG com­men­ted: “The stu­dent resi­dence in Zeebur­ge­rei­land is our first real estate pro­ject in the Net­her­lands and is part of a sepa­ra­te port­fo­lio for the coun­try. In the Net­her­lands,

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