
International Campus in Cannes for MIPIM 2018

We are loo­king for­ward visi­ting the MIPIM 2018 in Can­nes. In the last few years, our focus was acqui­ring inves­tors – things are dif­fe­rent now. This year we are at the MIPIM to find sui­ta­ble sites for our port­fo­lio.

If you’re inte­res­ted here you find our cur­rent MIPIM bro­chu­re.

We are loo­king for­ward to your offers!

Wis­hing you a suc­cessful MIPIM and much suns­hi­ne.

Your Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus Team

Press contact

We are happy to answer press enquiries. Please send us a message.