IC doubles number of operated apartments


International Campus AG doubles number of operated student apartments to 1,500 and continues to pursue growth strategy

  • Three new stu­dent resi­den­ces with more than 1,000 apart­ments ope­ned in time for 2015/16 win­ter semes­ter: THE FIZZ Han­no­ver, THE FIZZ Frank­furt Gal­lus and THE FIZZ Darm­stadt (par­ti­al­ly ope­ned)
  • Resi­dent satis­fac­tion sur­vey: 86 per­cent would recom­mend THE FIZZ stu­dent resi­den­ces
  • Growth stra­tegy to con­ti­nue

Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus AG has increased the num­ber of stu­dent apart­ments under manage­ment to about 1,500 in the last few months. THE FIZZ Han­no­ver and THE FIZZ Frank­furt Gal­lus were ope­ned in time for the 2015/2016 win­ter semes­ter. The first sec­tion of THE FIZZ Darm­stadt resi­dence, which is a lis­ted buil­ding, was also ope­ned. The resi­den­ces in Hano­ver and Darm­stadt are com­ple­te­ly ren­ted and the resi­dence in Frank­furt Gal­lus is alre­a­dy some 95 per­cent boo­ked. Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus will con­ti­nue to pur­sue its growth stra­tegy: New stu­dent accom­mo­da­ti­ons are plan­ned in Colo­gne, Frank­furt, Aachen and Ham­burg

for exam­p­le.

Horst Lie­der, CEO of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus AG, com­men­ted: “We have ope­ned three new stu­dent resi­den­ces in time for the begin­ning of the new win­ter semes­ter and have ther­eby more than dou­bled the num­ber of apart­ments under manage­ment. We have a capa­ble plat­form, a clear con­cept and a high­ly moti­va­ted team which allows us to con­ti­nue our growth stra­tegy con­sis­t­ent­ly and at an extre­me­ly fast pace.” Inclu­ding the new stu­dent resi­den­ces under deve­lo­p­ment, Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus will mana­ge around 3,500 apart­ments and con­ti­nue to show strong growth.

“Our objec­ti­ve is to ope­ra­te bet­ween 15 and 20 stu­dent resi­den­ces in Germany’s “big seven” cities and gro­wing uni­ver­si­ty towns in the coming years,” con­tin­ued Lie­der.

In order to increase the qua­li­ty of resi­den­ti­al pro­ducts and ten­ant satis­fac­tion, an exten­si­ve satis­fac­tion sur­vey and ana­ly­sis of all THE FIZZ resi­dents was car­ri­ed out in sum­mer: 86 per­cent would recom­mend THE FIZZ resi­den­ces and 75 per­cent are satis­fied or high­ly satis­fied with THE FIZZ Com­mu­ni­ty. Roman Diehl, Mem­ber of the Exe­cu­ti­ve Board respon­si­ble for mar­ke­ting and sales at Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus AG, explai­ned: “In kee­ping with our approach of being the lea­ding Ger­man “stu­dent life­cy­cle com­pa­ny,” we asked all our THE FIZZ resi­dents what we could do to impro­ve things and how satis­fied they are with our resi­den­ces. We are proud of the fact that almost 90 per­cent of our stu­dents would recom­mend us. The gra­ti­fy­ing sur­vey results and our high ren­tal rates cle­ar­ly show that we are living up to the demands of our tar­get group.”

Alex­an­der Gulya, Mem­ber of the Exe­cu­ti­ve Board respon­si­ble for deve­lo­p­ment at Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus AG, added: “Stu­dent Housing doesn’t just mean buil­ding “small living units”. It also invol­ves pre­cise know­ledge of the “stu­dent” tar­get group in order to posi­ti­on resi­den­ti­al pro­ducts appro­pria­te­ly on the mar­ket and to be able to gene­ra­te attrac­ti­ve returns as an ope­ra­tor. As Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus it is our aim to deve­lop con­tem­po­ra­ry, high-qua­li­ty stu­dent accom­mo­da­ti­ons which crea­te a cos­mo­po­li­tan atmo­sphe­re com­bi­ned with a uni­que living qua­li­ty.”

Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus AG ope­ra­tes and deve­lo­ps stu­dent accom­mo­da­ti­on under the “THE FIZZ” brand in Ber­lin, Bre­men, Darm­stadt, Frank­furt am Main, Frei­burg, Ham­burg, Hano­ver and Colo­gne com­pri­sing more than 3,500 apart­ments.

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