IC at Vienna’s main railway station


International Campus Group develops student residence at Vienna’s main railway station “Wien Hauptbahnhof”

  • Joint ven­ture bet­ween Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus Group, CORAG and Kol­lit­sch & Reich­stamm deve­lo­ps micro-apart­ment buil­ding on Bloch-Bau­er-Pro­me­na­de in the new Sonn­wend­vier­tel area of Vien­na
  • The future “THE FIZZ Wien Haupt­bahn­hof” in Vienna’s 10th dis­trict offers 195 sin­gle and dou­ble apart­ments, attrac­ti­ve com­mu­nal are­as and a roof­top ter­race
  • The plan­ning appli­ca­ti­on has alre­a­dy been sub­mit­ted, com­ple­ti­on is sche­du­led for the end of 2019

The Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus Group is deve­lo­ping an apart­ment buil­ding for stu­dents at Vienna’s main rail­way sta­ti­on “Wien Haupt­bahn­hof” tog­e­ther with CORAG and Kol­lit­sch & Reich­stamm. It will be ope­ra­ted by Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus under the brand “THE FIZZ”. The plan­ning appli­ca­ti­on for the pro­per­ty of around 4,300 squa­re met­res has alre­a­dy been sub­mit­ted. The very cen­tral and well-con­nec­ted “THE FIZZ Wien Haupt­bahn­hof” on Bloch-Bau­er-Pro­me­na­de in the new Sonn­wend­vier­tel area in Vienna’s 10th dis­trict will have 195 high-qua­li­ty sin­gle and dou­ble apart­ments and various com­mu­nal spaces such as coo­king are­as  and  a 90  squa­re meter sized  roof­top ter­race.  Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus’  second  stu­dent resi­dence in Vien­na is sche­du­led for com­ple­ti­on at the end of 2019.

Alex­an­der Gulya, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus Aus­tria, says: “The loca­ti­on and trans­port con­nec­tions of our new stu­dent resi­dence in Vien­na could not be bet­ter. We are deligh­ted to have acqui­red the con­tract from ÖBB Infra­struk­tur. We have alre­a­dy sub­mit­ted the plan­ning appli­ca­ti­on. Com­ple­ti­on is sche­du­led for the end of 2019, and we and want to get the con­s­truc­tion under way quick­ly.” Gulya con­ti­nues: “Our con­cept, with the com­mu­ni­ty at its heart, is new for Vien­na, but is gai­ning pro­mi­nence with every new THE FIZZ. ‘THE FIZZ Wien Haupt­bahn­hof’ will offer stu­dents from Aus­tria and all over the world attrac­ti­ve housing with their own bath­rooms and kit­chens, safe­ty, con­ve­ni­ence and com­mu­ni­ty. We are thus mee­ting the rising demand for high-qua­li­ty stu­dent housing in Vien­na.”

Key ele­ments of the com­mu­ni­ty con­cept include com­mu­ni­ty events, shared spaces, value- added ser­vices for ever­y­day life and on-site advi­sers. The con­cept also pro­vi­des a gre­at deal of room for indi­vi­dua­li­ty and straight­for­ward social cont­act, if desi­red. In “THE FIZZ Wien Haupt­bahn­hof”, the­re will be a cen­tral ent­rance with a recep­ti­on and a buil­ding mana­ger, who will also accept par­cel deli­veries, for exam­p­le. Plans for com­mu­nal spaces include coo­king are­as and a patio on the ground flo­or and a shared ter­race on the roof. The pro­per­ty will have 85 shel­te­red bicy­cle stands. The 195 ful­ly fur­nis­hed sin­gle and dou­ble apart­ments in “THE FIZZ Wien Haupt­bahn­hof” will have an avera­ge size of around 22 squa­re met­res.

The visua­li­sa­ti­on pro­vi­ded may be used in con­nec­tion with report­ing on Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus Group. Plea­se indi­ca­te the fol­lo­wing source: HNP Archi­tects. The visua­li­sa­ti­on may only be edi­ted by way of nor­mal image pro­ces­sing.

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