IC acquires THE FIZZ in Bremen


International Campus acquires THE FIZZ in Bremen

  • Stu­dent apart­ment block has been ope­ra­ted by Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus sin­ce 2012 under the THE FIZZ brand
  • Imple­men­ta­ti­on of new design and ser­vice con­cept is plan­ned with invest­ments in com­mu­ni­ty spaces and apart­ments
  • The sel­ler is Würt­tem­ber­gi­sche Lebens­ver­si­che­rung AG

Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus (“IC”), a lea­ding inves­tor, deve­lo­per and ope­ra­tor of con­cepts for stu­dent living and urban living in Euro­pe, has acqui­red the stu­dent apart­ment buil­ding THE FIZZ in Bre­men. The buil­ding has been ope­ra­ted by IC sin­ce 2012 and ser­ved as pilot pro­ject for the THE FIZZ brand. Exten­ding over 13,000 squa­re met­res GFA, the buil­ding divi­des into 335 stu­dent apart­ments, various com­mu­ni­ty are­as as well as 32 par­king spots in the under­ground car park. In con­junc­tion with the acqui­si­ti­on, a new design and ser­vice con­cept will be imple­men­ted. To this end, the com­mu­ni­ty spaces of the buil­ding will be com­ple­te­ly reno­va­ted and the apart­ment equip­ment upgraded. The sel­ler is Würt­tem­ber­gi­sche Lebens­ver­si­che­rung AG. The two par­ties have agreed not to dis­c­lo­se the sel­ling pri­ce.

“Things are coming full cir­cle for us – the apart­ment buil­ding in Bre­men was the first Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus asset that began ope­ra­ting under the brand THE FIZZ in 2012. The acqui­si­ti­on fur­ther streng­thens our own port­fo­lio and we plan to acqui­re addi­tio­nal pro­per­ties, which are curr­ent­ly under our ope­ra­ti­on,” said Gawain Smart, CEO of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus. “

Micha­el Stapf, the CIO of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus, added: “In the cour­se of the acqui­si­ti­on, we are impro­ving the stu­dent living and social expe­ri­ence by imple­men­ting our new con­cept for the com­mu­ni­ty spaces. Stu­dent housing has evol­ved in recent years and we are crea­ting a long-term per­spec­ti­ve for Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus with the new con­cept. In addi­ti­on, we are brin­ging for­ward some plan­ned main­ten­an­ce work, among others in the flats, to posi­ti­on the buil­ding for the future. Buy­ing the buil­ding in Bre­men was a natu­ral step for us to take. After all, it checks all the boxes for our hou­ses: It is loca­ted in direct pro­xi­mi­ty to the Uni­ver­si­ty and con­ve­ni­ent­ly con­nec­ted to the down­town via public trans­port. Our resi­dents are within easy reach of their class­rooms and of the city’s lei­su­re and cul­tu­ral amen­i­ties at the same time.”

Sketch of the new Stu­dy Space © Dan Pearl­man

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Bre­men has a total enrol­ment of around 19,000 stu­dents (as of the win­ter semes­ter 2021/2022) while also employ­ing around 3,600 cam­pus staff (as of 2020). With its popu­la­ti­on of around 560,000 resi­dents, Bre­men is one of the big­gest cities in nor­t­hern Ger­ma­ny, second only to Ham­burg. It has a vibrant cul­tu­ral sce­ne as well as a lar­ge num­ber of bars, pubs and restau­rants. In addi­ti­on, the city is home to two UNESCO World Cul­tu­ral Heri­ta­ge items, one being Bre­men town hall, the other the Roland sta­tue.

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