First HVNS in Hamburg


Premiere in Hamburg: International Campus Opens its First HVNS Apartment Scheme in Altona District

Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus (IC), a deve­lo­per and ope­ra­tor of urban living plat­forms in Cen­tral Euro­pe, is going live with its new pro­duct HVNS — a name deri­ved from “haven” — in Ham­burg on 1st Octo­ber. The 214 ful­ly-equip­ped apart­ments available at the company’s first buil­ding of this type pro­vi­des opti­mal lodgings and tem­po­ra­ry homes for expats, long-distance com­mut­ers and peo­p­le in tran­si­tio­nal peri­ods in Ham­burg. Loca­ted on Oever­see­stras­se, a quiet yet cen­tral street in the Alto­na dis­trict, the house offers inco­ming ten­ants, in addi­ti­on to high-end stu­dio apart­ments, a need-based infra­struc­tu­re that includes a recep­ti­on, a gym, cowor­king are­as, a libra­ry as well as a gene­rous­ly pro­por­tio­ned kit­chen plus lounge, and a roof ter­race for shared use by the in-house com­mu­ni­ty. Seve­ral retail­ers are loca­ted right in the buil­ding, as is an under­ground car park. While bene­fiting from a smart­ly orga­nis­ed house manage­ment, ten­ants may also take advan­ta­ge of white glove amen­i­ties to meet their per­so­nal needs.

“We coun­ted the minu­tes until the ope­ning of this house, and are very proud to be able to pre­sent our new brand in Ham­burg for the first time. The HVNS in this port city occu­p­ies a gre­at loca­ti­on among his­to­ric brick buil­dings and seve­ral parks while pro­vi­ding a modern resi­den­ti­al envi­ron­ment equip­ped with every amen­i­ty to ensu­re a plea­sant long-term stay,” said Micha­el Stump, Chief Ope­ra­ting Offi­cer at Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus.

“While THE FIZZ is aimed at uni­ver­si­ty stu­dents, HVNS cle­ar­ly focu­ses on the needs of mobi­le pro­fes­sio­nals. At HVNS, we have far more to offer than fur­nis­hed accom­mo­da­ti­on for tem­po­ra­ry stays. This makes HVNS also attrac­ti­ve for com­pa­nies in need of long-term lodgings for their employees. Ham­burg is just the start­ing point for us. We are alre­a­dy plan­ning our next deve­lo­p­ments in other Ger­man metro­po­li­ses,” added Rai­ner Non­nen­gäs­ser, Exe­cu­ti­ve Chair­man of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus.

The Spa­cious. © Sebas­ti­an Isacu

HVNS Ham­burg offers apart­ments in three size cate­go­ries, ran­ging from 19 to 62 squa­re met­res in size. All of the apart­ments are ful­ly fur­nis­hed and include a work­place, a modern bath­room, a ful­ly-equip­ped kit­chen and broad­band WiFi. The mini­mum lea­se term is six months. The under­ground car park pro­vi­des 41 spots.

The apart­ment sche­me is very con­ve­ni­ent­ly acces­si­ble via public trans­por­ta­ti­on, being just a five minu­te walk from the “Hols­ten­stras­se” rapid-tran­sit sta­ti­on. The com­mu­te to the cen­tral rail­way sta­ti­on or to the Elb­strand river­si­de beach takes about 15 minu­tes by car, while the com­mu­te to the air­port takes 25 minu­tes. A Rewe super­mar­ket of 1,200 squa­re met­res and a dm Dro­ge­rie drugs­to­re on the ground flo­or of the buil­ding pro­vi­de easy access to gro­ce­ries and other non-dis­cre­tio­na­ry goods.

Com­mu­ni­ty kit­chen. © Joa­chim Grothus
Fit­ness room. © Joa­chim Grothus
Roof­top ter­race. © Joa­chim Grothus

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