Ground-breaking in Munich


International Campus celebrates ground-breaking for new boarding house in Munich

  • Con­s­truc­tion star­ted on cen­tral­ly loca­ted tem­po­ra­ry living space with 157 apart­ments
  • “Tem­po­ra­ry home away from home” for peo­p­le such as pro­ject employees
  • Buil­ding with a green inner cour­ty­ard and an under­ground car park with 41 par­king spaces
  • Plan­ned to be com­ple­ted by begin­ning of 2020
International Campus GmbH Grundsteinlegung München

Today, Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus cele­bra­ted the ground-brea­king of its new boar­ding house at Land­wehr­stra­ße 75 in Munich with around 60 guests. A total of 157 apart­ments with a cen­tral ent­rance area and a green inner cour­ty­ard are expec­ted to be built by the begin­ning of 2020 in the Lud­wigs­vor­stadt-Isar­vor­stadt dis­trict near the main train sta­ti­on and the The­re­si­en­wie­se. The five- and seven-storey buil­ding with gross flo­or space of around 8,400 squa­re met­res will also have an under­ground car park with 41 par­king spaces and attrac­ti­ve com­mon are­as. The gene­ral con­trac­tor is W. Mark­graf GmbH & Co KG from Munich. Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus is the pro­ject deve­lo­per and will later ope­ra­te the pro­per­ty.

Horst Lie­der, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus, says: “We are deligh­ted that so many guests atten­ded the ground-brea­king and of cour­se that con­s­truc­tion has begun. By the begin­ning of 2020, we will erect a modern boar­ding house here in the lively Wie­sen­vier­tel, with a total of 157 ful­ly equip­ped apart­ments and amp­le par­king spaces. I am cer­tain that the buil­ding will fit well into the neigh­bour­hood.” Lie­der con­tin­ued: “We are crea­ting addi­tio­nal living space for peo­p­le loo­king for a “tem­po­ra­ry home away from home” such as pro­ject employees here at Land­wehr­stra­ße 75, whe­re pre­vious­ly the­re was an unusable office buil­ding from the 1970s.”

Munich is a safe and attrac­ti­ve loca­ti­on with strong growth momen­tum and a high qua­li­ty of life. Its popu­la­ti­on, eco­no­mic out­put and purcha­sing power are all ste­adi­ly incre­asing. Accor­ding to fore­casts by the City of Munich, the­re will be around 1.7 mil­li­on resi­dents in Munich in 2018. Purcha­sing power amoun­ted to around EUR 30,800 per resi­dent in 2015, com­pared to the Ger­man avera­ge of around EUR 22,300. As many as six DAX 30 com­pa­nies are based in Munich.

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