Start Construction in Frankfurt


International Campus Starts Construction of HAVENS LIVING Project “MAIN VOLTA” in Frankfurt am Main

  • Urban living con­cept in cen­tral loca­ti­on with a total of 154 sin­gle-occu­p­an­cy apart­ments, com­mu­ni­ty are­as (roof­top patio, shared kit­chen, co-working spaces), 81 car par­king spots and 237 bicy­cle par­king spaces
  • Two-part con­ver­si­on pro­ject invol­ving a for­mer resi­den­ti­al and a for­mer office buil­ding
  • Second buil­ding of IC in Frank­furt

Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus (“IC”), a lea­ding inves­tor, deve­lo­per and ope­ra­tor of con­cepts for stu­dent living and urban living in Euro­pe, just kicked off the con­s­truc­tion of a two-part apart­ment block in Frank­furt – Bocken­heim. The apart­ment sche­me of the HAVENS LIVING brand with over 14,000 squa­re met­res GFA will deli­ver 154 ful­ly-fur­nis­hed sin­gle-occu­p­an­cy apart­ments mea­su­ring bet­ween 22 and 110 squa­re met­res along with a num­ber of com­mu­ni­ty are­as. The lat­ter include a shared kit­chen, a land­scaped roof­top patio with a view of Frankfurt’s sky­line as well as a bar, an under­ground car park with 81 car par­king spots and a 237 bicy­cle par­king spaces. The com­ple­ti­on is sche­du­led for the fourth quar­ter of 2023.

Plan­ned HAVENS LIVING pro­ject “MAIN VOLTA” in Frank­furt am Main © Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus GmbH

“Frankfurt’s vibrant dis­trict of Bocken­heim is the per­fect loca­ti­on for our next HAVENS LIVING pro­duct. This latest asset in Frank­furt also repres­ents our ent­ry to one of the most important ban­king and busi­ness loca­ti­ons in Euro­pe,” sta­ted Micha­el Stapf, CIO at Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus. “Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus will mana­ge the pro­per­ty deve­lo­p­ment on its own. With the HAVENS LIVING Frank­furt, which will be known as ‘MAIN VOLTA’,  we are crea­ting addi­tio­nal tem­po­ra­ry accom­mo­da­ti­on and will ther­eby bring some reli­ef to the regu­lar ren­tal housing mar­ket. MAIN VOLTA is the second pro­per­ty we have kicked off con­s­truc­tion this year, after THE FIZZ in Lei­den.”

“After the suc­cessful launch of our first buil­ding in Ham­burg with 214 units last year, we are loo­king for­ward to ope­ra­ting the second HAVENS LIVING in Frank­furt am Main as ear­ly as next year,” says Micha­el Stump, COO of Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus. “HAVENS LIVING is exact­ly tail­o­red to the housing and living needs of urban peo­p­le. All of our high-qua­li­ty equip­ped apart­ments can be com­for­ta­b­ly ren­ted online. Our cus­to­mers also bene­fit from an acti­ve com­mu­ni­ty and num­e­rous addi­tio­nal are­as in the buil­ding that are free to use, such as lar­ge-sca­le loun­ges or co-working zones. Two fur­ther HAVENS LIVING pro­jects are curr­ent­ly in the pipe­line in Ham­burg and Ber­lin and are sche­du­led to open in the next two years.”

The HAVENS LIVING sche­me in Frank­furt is loca­ted on Vol­tas­tras­se, a street lined by all sorts of restau­rants and pubs in the down­town dis­trict of Bocken­heim. Fur­ther­mo­re, the new site bene­fits from very con­ve­ni­ent public trans­por­ta­ti­on access. The­re are two tram stops right on Vol­tas­tras­se, and the nea­rest rapid tran­sit stop at West­bahn­hof lies within easy wal­king distance. The rail­way sta­ti­on also offers long-distance ser­vice con­nec­tions by Deut­sche Bahn.

With its popu­la­ti­on of 760,000 resi­dents, Frank­furt am Main counts among the lar­gest cities in Ger­ma­ny. The city is the cent­re of the eco­no­mic­al­ly strong Rhi­ne-Main metro regi­on, and one of the most important inter­na­tio­nal finan­ce hubs. In addi­ti­on to num­e­rous major banks, the ECB and Deut­sche Bör­se, many natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­nies are domic­i­led here in Germany’s finan­cial metro­po­lis.

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